June 08, 2023

The Health and Social Welfare Committee of 中国体育彩票app下载 College of Nursing, MAHE, 中国体育彩票app下载 has organized a Blood Donation drive on 8th June 2023 at Blood Bank, Kasturba Hospital, 中国体育彩票app下载 between 9.00 am and 4.00 pm.

It was open to all. A total of 81 students, 10 faculty from 中国体育彩票app下载 College of Nursing, and 12 staff from constituent institutions volunteered to donate blood and among them, after the initial screening, 55 were eligible to donate.

The event was coordinated by the student chairperson of the Health and Social Welfare Committee, Ms. Asha Thomas, 3rd year BSc(N), and the Committee Secretary, Mr. Lijo Jose, 4th Semester BSc(N), MCON under the guidance of Mrs. Ranjani P, Assistant Professor - Senior scale, Faculty advisor and Mrs. Janet Alva, Assistant Professor, Faculty Co-advisor, Health and Social Welfare Committee.